venerdì 27 settembre 2013




New version is online,  as a "continuum" of the 2.1 update release but  with many fixes and also the last SpeedWizz Kernel....

.....The team behind the project.......

Rom, kernel, and all the rest are  the result of a joint effort that keeps intact the spirit in which it was born the rom and that will always be a trademark indelible: the experience of Android according to our personal needs shared with the community.

Blue Oyster Team members:

Giuros77: main rom developer, 
Umberto1978: kernel developer, 
Janobifronte: bootanimation creator, video maker and betatester,
Crisgen: contributor and betatester,
PaoloNE46: contributor
Picciotto: contributor and beta tester

martedì 24 settembre 2013


The Speedwizz kernel N2 - complete sets of features. 

Here is the complete features set at the actual date build (09/24), for next updates check please the kernel section of this blog and grab the latest changelog.

Current features 
- Only samsung based roms!
- Custom boot Logo at startup!
- Build date for kernel version instead of version number
- Compiled using Linaro toolchain 4.7.4
- O3 optimizations flag 
- Overclock up to 1920mhz
- Support fot specific cpu topology
- Sched_MC_powersavings support
- TCP congestions type: Veno (default), Reno and cubic.
- Cpu undervolt via sysfs interface
- Mali 400mp Overclock and undervolt
- Many warning suppressed/fixed for an optimized, clean code
- Ex-Fat support
- SpeedWizz manager application included to manage almost the kernel features - courtesy of HMCarbide to let me use his application in to my kernel, all copyrights to him.
- Linux kernel 3.0.70 
- Exynos exploit official fix
- Many optimization compiler flags
- Sudden Death Syndrome official fix
- Unsecured boot-image
- Used safe initramfs from DXMB2 to avoid EFS corruption
- Raised fb-early suspend delay for crt-off animation support
- full init.d support
- Post-init tweaks 
- Thunderbolt tweaks 
- GENTLE FAIR SLEEPERS by enabled default
- Sound codecs patched with Boeffla source code 
- Boeffla sound app included - courtesy of Simone201 and AndiP to let me include their application in to my kernel.
- available governors : pegasusQ, LulzactiveQ, Zzmoove, performance
- Removed the following governors : Ondemand, powersave, userspace, conservative
- PegasusQ governor patched with the source code from siyah kernel for the GT I9300 (GokhanMoral) - some tweaks to the hot plugging feature of the pegasusQ governor
- Hardcore's speedmod patch (GT I9300)
- Turned off many logging and tracing
- Available I/O schedulers : noop, deadline, row (default), cfq, sio, zen
- Read ahead params set to 256 kb 
- I/O tweaks
- proportional rate reduction
- Screen sharpness fix
- Optimized GPU DVFS driver
- android logger is compiled as a module, user can decide when and if load in to kernel 
   Just create an empty file called .logcat in your system directory or data directory, using a root explorer
- support for custom boot animation, either in /data/local or /system/media
- At first boot kernel will push in your system SpeedWizz Manager and Boeffla sound applications (free version)
- Automatic zipallign all applications in system and data partitions
- All partitions mounted with "noatime" option and other optimizations
- Dynamic FSYNCH support (Faux source)

Reminder: You can find all credited developers directly on kernel page and in my github. If i forgotten anyone please advise me by sending an email. Thanks.

venerdì 6 settembre 2013




New version is online,  always based upon the 2.0 release but  with new entry: rom control in secsettings and other optimization. Also a new kernel is included with many new features...

.....The team behind the project.......

Rom, kernel, and all the rest are  the result of a joint effort that keeps intact the spirit in which it was born the rom and that will always be a trademark indelible: the experience of Android according to our personal needs shared with the community.

Blue Oyster Team members:

Giuros77: main rom developer, 
Umberto1978: kernel developer, 
Janobifronte: bootanimation creator, video maker and betatester,
Crisgen: contributor and betatester,
PaoloNE46: contributor
Picciotto: contributor and beta tester

martedì 3 settembre 2013


The Speedwizz kernel N2 is now available for pubblic testing. 

Here is the complete features set at the actual date build (09/05), for next updates check please the kernel section of this blog and grab the latest changelog.

Current features 

- Build date for kernel version instead of version number
- Compiled using Linaro toolchain 4.6.3 
- O3 optimizations flag 
- Many warning suppressed/fixed for an optimized, clean code
- No Ex-Fat support
- Linux kernel 3.0.40 
- Exynos exploit official fix
- Many optimization compiler flags
- Sudden Death Syndrome official fix
- Unsecured boot-image
- Used safe initramfs from DXMB2 to avoid EFS corruption
- Raised fb-early suspend delay for crt-off animation support
- full init.d support
- Post-init tweaks 
- Thunderbolt tweaks 
- NO GENTLE FAIR SLEEPERS by default, to enable just create a file in /system or /data called ".gfs" and reboot
- Sound codecs patched with Boeffla source code 
- Automatically enabled the stand alone hotplug logics ONLY when using standard governor (without an hotplug feature) like onDemand or other
- available governors : Ondemand, adaptive, interactive, conservative, Lionheart (Default), pegasusQ
- Removed the following governors : performance, powersave, userspace
- PegasusQ governor patched with the source code from siyah kernel for the GT I9300 (GokhanMoral) - some tweaks to the hot plugging feature of the pegasusQ governor
- Tweaked Ondemand governor for performance
- Hardcore's speedmod patch (GT I9300)
- Turned off many logging and tracing
- Available I/O schedulers : noop, deadline, row (default), cfq, sio, zen
- Read ahead params set to 1024 kb 
- I/O tweaks
- proportional rate reduction
- Screen sharpness fix
- Optimized GPU DVFS driver
- android logger is compiled as a module, user can decide when and if load in to kernel 
   Just create an empty file called .logcat in your system directory or data directory, using a root explorer
- support for custom boot animation, either in /data/local or /system/media
- At first boot kernel will push in your system TricksterMod free and Boeffla sound applications (free version)
- Automatic zipallign all applications in system and data partitions
- All partitions mounted with "noatime" option and other optimizations
- Undervolted many source parts and exactly: GPU voltage (-50mv), ARM voltage (-75 mv), Internal Voltage and bus (-50 mv) 
- Dynamic FSYNCH support (Faux source)
- Modified android/staging/binder.c to prevent some memory leak. 
- Raised up random entropy for better smoothness (Googyanas) 
- Patched rwsem: steal writing sem for better performance 
- Modified mmc: core: Fix possbile memory leak  detected by kmemleak