martedì 8 ottobre 2013

New kernel update!!

A new update is online........

As stated on changelog the main kernel version is up to date according to the latest stable release 3.0.99.
This NOT means that the next update is 3.1. This is the last step of the longterm manteinance of this kernel version. 
We can only hope for samsung to release some new source drop (now that the leaked 4.3 is out) as soon as possible.
Anyway to see what is changed in the latest build of SpeedWizz Kernel just grab the latest changelog.
Have fun.

lunedì 7 ottobre 2013

New, important, mindless, MINOR UPDATE!!

SPEEDWIZZ N2 - v2.2.1


A New version is online,  it is a minor update that should be used instead of the previous 2.2.0 that is no longer hosted, because of some issues with some lockscreen's mod.
Install this always upon 2.1.0 release and you are done!
For who are coming from 2.2.0 no problem: wipe cache and dalvik cache and flash 2.2.1.......ENJOY!

.....The team behind the project.......

Rom, kernel, and all the rest are  the result of a joint effort that keeps intact the spirit in which it was born the rom and that will always be a trademark indelible: the experience of Android according to our personal needs shared with the community.

Blue Oyster Team members:

Giuros77: main rom developer, 
Umberto1978: kernel developer, 
Janobifronte: bootanimation creator, video maker and betatester,
Crisgen: contributor and betatester,
PaoloNE46: contributor
Picciotto: contributor and beta tester

venerdì 27 settembre 2013




New version is online,  as a "continuum" of the 2.1 update release but  with many fixes and also the last SpeedWizz Kernel....

.....The team behind the project.......

Rom, kernel, and all the rest are  the result of a joint effort that keeps intact the spirit in which it was born the rom and that will always be a trademark indelible: the experience of Android according to our personal needs shared with the community.

Blue Oyster Team members:

Giuros77: main rom developer, 
Umberto1978: kernel developer, 
Janobifronte: bootanimation creator, video maker and betatester,
Crisgen: contributor and betatester,
PaoloNE46: contributor
Picciotto: contributor and beta tester

martedì 24 settembre 2013


The Speedwizz kernel N2 - complete sets of features. 

Here is the complete features set at the actual date build (09/24), for next updates check please the kernel section of this blog and grab the latest changelog.

Current features 
- Only samsung based roms!
- Custom boot Logo at startup!
- Build date for kernel version instead of version number
- Compiled using Linaro toolchain 4.7.4
- O3 optimizations flag 
- Overclock up to 1920mhz
- Support fot specific cpu topology
- Sched_MC_powersavings support
- TCP congestions type: Veno (default), Reno and cubic.
- Cpu undervolt via sysfs interface
- Mali 400mp Overclock and undervolt
- Many warning suppressed/fixed for an optimized, clean code
- Ex-Fat support
- SpeedWizz manager application included to manage almost the kernel features - courtesy of HMCarbide to let me use his application in to my kernel, all copyrights to him.
- Linux kernel 3.0.70 
- Exynos exploit official fix
- Many optimization compiler flags
- Sudden Death Syndrome official fix
- Unsecured boot-image
- Used safe initramfs from DXMB2 to avoid EFS corruption
- Raised fb-early suspend delay for crt-off animation support
- full init.d support
- Post-init tweaks 
- Thunderbolt tweaks 
- GENTLE FAIR SLEEPERS by enabled default
- Sound codecs patched with Boeffla source code 
- Boeffla sound app included - courtesy of Simone201 and AndiP to let me include their application in to my kernel.
- available governors : pegasusQ, LulzactiveQ, Zzmoove, performance
- Removed the following governors : Ondemand, powersave, userspace, conservative
- PegasusQ governor patched with the source code from siyah kernel for the GT I9300 (GokhanMoral) - some tweaks to the hot plugging feature of the pegasusQ governor
- Hardcore's speedmod patch (GT I9300)
- Turned off many logging and tracing
- Available I/O schedulers : noop, deadline, row (default), cfq, sio, zen
- Read ahead params set to 256 kb 
- I/O tweaks
- proportional rate reduction
- Screen sharpness fix
- Optimized GPU DVFS driver
- android logger is compiled as a module, user can decide when and if load in to kernel 
   Just create an empty file called .logcat in your system directory or data directory, using a root explorer
- support for custom boot animation, either in /data/local or /system/media
- At first boot kernel will push in your system SpeedWizz Manager and Boeffla sound applications (free version)
- Automatic zipallign all applications in system and data partitions
- All partitions mounted with "noatime" option and other optimizations
- Dynamic FSYNCH support (Faux source)

Reminder: You can find all credited developers directly on kernel page and in my github. If i forgotten anyone please advise me by sending an email. Thanks.

venerdì 6 settembre 2013




New version is online,  always based upon the 2.0 release but  with new entry: rom control in secsettings and other optimization. Also a new kernel is included with many new features...

.....The team behind the project.......

Rom, kernel, and all the rest are  the result of a joint effort that keeps intact the spirit in which it was born the rom and that will always be a trademark indelible: the experience of Android according to our personal needs shared with the community.

Blue Oyster Team members:

Giuros77: main rom developer, 
Umberto1978: kernel developer, 
Janobifronte: bootanimation creator, video maker and betatester,
Crisgen: contributor and betatester,
PaoloNE46: contributor
Picciotto: contributor and beta tester

martedì 3 settembre 2013


The Speedwizz kernel N2 is now available for pubblic testing. 

Here is the complete features set at the actual date build (09/05), for next updates check please the kernel section of this blog and grab the latest changelog.

Current features 

- Build date for kernel version instead of version number
- Compiled using Linaro toolchain 4.6.3 
- O3 optimizations flag 
- Many warning suppressed/fixed for an optimized, clean code
- No Ex-Fat support
- Linux kernel 3.0.40 
- Exynos exploit official fix
- Many optimization compiler flags
- Sudden Death Syndrome official fix
- Unsecured boot-image
- Used safe initramfs from DXMB2 to avoid EFS corruption
- Raised fb-early suspend delay for crt-off animation support
- full init.d support
- Post-init tweaks 
- Thunderbolt tweaks 
- NO GENTLE FAIR SLEEPERS by default, to enable just create a file in /system or /data called ".gfs" and reboot
- Sound codecs patched with Boeffla source code 
- Automatically enabled the stand alone hotplug logics ONLY when using standard governor (without an hotplug feature) like onDemand or other
- available governors : Ondemand, adaptive, interactive, conservative, Lionheart (Default), pegasusQ
- Removed the following governors : performance, powersave, userspace
- PegasusQ governor patched with the source code from siyah kernel for the GT I9300 (GokhanMoral) - some tweaks to the hot plugging feature of the pegasusQ governor
- Tweaked Ondemand governor for performance
- Hardcore's speedmod patch (GT I9300)
- Turned off many logging and tracing
- Available I/O schedulers : noop, deadline, row (default), cfq, sio, zen
- Read ahead params set to 1024 kb 
- I/O tweaks
- proportional rate reduction
- Screen sharpness fix
- Optimized GPU DVFS driver
- android logger is compiled as a module, user can decide when and if load in to kernel 
   Just create an empty file called .logcat in your system directory or data directory, using a root explorer
- support for custom boot animation, either in /data/local or /system/media
- At first boot kernel will push in your system TricksterMod free and Boeffla sound applications (free version)
- Automatic zipallign all applications in system and data partitions
- All partitions mounted with "noatime" option and other optimizations
- Undervolted many source parts and exactly: GPU voltage (-50mv), ARM voltage (-75 mv), Internal Voltage and bus (-50 mv) 
- Dynamic FSYNCH support (Faux source)
- Modified android/staging/binder.c to prevent some memory leak. 
- Raised up random entropy for better smoothness (Googyanas) 
- Patched rwsem: steal writing sem for better performance 
- Modified mmc: core: Fix possbile memory leak  detected by kmemleak 

martedì 27 agosto 2013



New version is online,  totally rebased upon the most recent firmware base stock rom, with heavy modifications and an exclusive custom kernel. 

The team behind the project joined a new member, as you can read below.

Rom, kernel, and all the rest are  the result of a joint effort that keeps intact the spirit in which it was born the rom and that will always be a trademark indelible: the experience of Android according to our personal needs shared with the community.

Blue Oyster Team members:

Giuros77: main rom developer, 
Umberto1978: kernel developer, 
Janobifronte: bootanimation creator, video maker and betatester,
Crisgen: contributor and betatester,
PaoloNE46: contributor
Picciotto: contributor and beta tester

lunedì 29 luglio 2013


The SpeedWizz N2 project evolves! 

Since the release of the actual version 1.2.0 July 29, 2013 the whole build is the result of a team effort.

Rom, kernel, and all the rest are now the result of a joint effort that keeps intact the spirit in which it was born the rom and that will always be a trademark indelible: the experience of Android according to our personal needs shared with the community.

Blue Oyster Team members:

Giuros77: main rom developer, 
Umberto1978: kernel developer, 
Janobifronte: bootanimation creator, video maker and betatester,
Crisgen: contributor and betatester,

PaoloNE46: contributor

mercoledì 10 luglio 2013


Well, after a long time i'm back on line with a brand new project.
This time my efforts point at an awesome device, unique on his category: the Samsung Galaxy Note II aka GT N7100, code name t03g.

This project is focused to share with some friends just what i use as daily: a stable, smooth, ultra light but fully functional build.

And in those pages you can find the first pubblic release of  this rom....

SpeedWizz N2 - Episode 1

The New Order
